Dispatch № 114: Reflections on Narrow Streets
You don’t really realize just how many there are unless you specifically pay attention to them.
Dispatch № 111: Local Evolution
I can think of at least a dozen nearby houses and other structures that have been demolished within the last few months.
Dispatch № 99: Decompression
A walk and a comedy podcast on the quiet back streets between the school and the station.
Dispatch № 97: So Much Shouting
Meanwhile, in the library on the eighth floor of the mall, a place that is usually a quiet and happy refuge, I could still hear him bellowing down below.
Dispatch № 93: Show-Runner
You can’t control nature any more than you can teach a cat to tap dance.
Dispatch № 91: Stars and Waters
We’ve been looking up with interest since long before we were human, and when we look up at the night sky now, it may stir within us something ancient and deep…
Dispatch № 87: A New Bath to Call Home
When we departed and walked home, I already knew I wanted to go back, soon and often.
Dispatch № 81: Capsule Elegy
Few buildings ever manage to command such remarkable presence, and many that do lose their edge as the rest of architecture catches up around them.
Dispatch № 78: A Different Model
The street running past my apartment building has no name. This is neither a fluke nor uncommon.
Dispatch № 76: Truncated
Even just staring up into the branches was a joy, watching the sky sparkle through shifting gaps in the foliage.