Dispatch № 117: Hilltop Heebie-Jeebies

On a cool spring night, I was on a mountain road in Yamanashi well after dark. I had gone out to try to photograph star trails over nearby peaks, but ended up just taking a walk, as there was a fog settling over everything that obscured the view. There were no street lights within a […]
Dispatch № 116: Waiting on the Size of It

Couldn’t sleep, too much on my mind and no way to quiet it down, so I went out. After wandering with the camera for a bit, I sat on a park bench in the dark, well after midnight. At 2:05 AM, an earthquake began. When an earthquake hits, the first thing to enter my mind […]
Dispatch № 114: Reflections on Narrow Streets

You don’t really realize just how many there are unless you specifically pay attention to them.
Dispatch № 113: A Self-Defeating Project and its Reboot

Let’s begin with a question. What happens when you let the aspiration and vision of a project far outstrip the resources you have to give to it?
Dispatch № 112: Documenting Silence

I don’t know what they will build here, only that it will be different, and that I want to see what I can see here while I still can.
Dispatch № 111: Local Evolution

I can think of at least a dozen nearby houses and other structures that have been demolished within the last few months.
Dispatch № 110: Blossoms

While looking for plum blossoms to photograph, I began to receive news alerts on my phone.
Dispatch № 109: Birds and Boars

Spend enough time in the woods and you develop a sense of whether it’s a bird or a deer or even a snake, and it happens before you can even turn your head to see.
Dispatch № 108: Precarity

You admonish yourself for having neglected them until you needed them and wonder why you have also for so long put up with a job in which you are forever making up for the incompetence of others…
Dispatch № 107: Same Place, Different Day

Even when the weather is bad, I go out to wander and make pictures for thirty or forty minutes. Every working day, this is my lunchtime habit, a recursive practice that is exercise for both my body and my mind.