Somewhere in Japan

Dispatch № 116: Waiting on the Size of It

Couldn’t sleep, too much on my mind and no way to quiet it down, so I went out. After wandering with the camera for a bit, I sat on a park bench in the dark, well after midnight. At 2:05 AM, an earthquake began. When an earthquake hits, the first thing to enter my mind […]

Yes, this project is still live! An announcement.

First, this is still a live project, just one that is temporarily on hold. I believe in this concept, but at the moment, life has gotten in the way. This autumn, my partner and I will move to a new apartment in a different city in the Tokyo area. This will be a good thing […]

Dispatch № 109: Birds and Boars

Spend enough time in the woods and you develop a sense of whether it’s a bird or a deer or even a snake, and it happens before you can even turn your head to see.